Hello fellow anime hunters today we would like to review Yakitate Japan, this unique Japanese animation told the story about Azuma and his friends. The anime starts when Azuma goes to the Phantasia Main Branch Store expecting to get a job only to discover that he has to compete for it in a series of exams. Azuma also starts at a disadvantage as he loses almost all of the ten points he needs to avoid being disqualified. It is in this arc that Azuma meets Kawachi, Kuroyanagi, Tsukino and Suwabara Kai. Shortly after the competition, Azuma and Kawachi get jobs at Phantasia’s Southern Branch store. A few stories take place there as they meet Ken Matsushiro and Azuma competes against a skilled but pampered baker.
This anime is a little bit funny with a unique story about a baker and a bakery. The expression and reaction to the taste are exaggerated that's what makes this cartoon so funny. It also reminds me of classic Born To Cook anime and some of hongkong comedy movies about cooking.